'I'm fundamentally opposed' to separating Australians on the basis of race: Garth Hamilton

'I'm fundamentally opposed' to separating Australians on the basis of race: Garth Hamilton

Liberal MP Garth Hamilton says his view of the Voice is that he’s “fundamentally opposed” to separating Australians or giving them different rights on the basis of race.

“I don’t think that’s a controversial position, I grew up not to think it was controversial, and I think it’s probably the least newsworthy thing I could probably ever say,” Mr Hamilton told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“I think that wonderful equality that Australia enjoys is one of the most fantastic things; it’s what made us such a great country.”

Mr Hamilton said he “absolutely supports” Opposition leader Peter Dutton’s position on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament as he thinks it is crucial to push the Albanese government for details on it.


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