Firs time in Sacramento California for a work trip and featuring on the mark bell power project podcast and also visiting Austin Texas for business and self development.
Mark bell podcast:
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/2wKF2RNObDf1fvtXUhfX5d?si=aca571ff139e4698
YouTube - https://youtu.be/6AEhb-fcEkM
CROSSLIFTR Training (Conventional or Crossfit Box) Program: https://obivincent.com (7 day free trial)
- Follow me on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/obi_vincent/
-Tiktok: obivincent
SPONSORS (Thank you for your Support)
-WHOOP Fitness tracker: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/breakthemould
- Vivobarefoot shoes code: 'VINCENT15'
- BUILT FOR ATHLETE BACKPACK : https://builtforathletes.com?p=B12Vzh1Si
- PLIABILITY MOBILITY APP (free for the first 2 weeks): http://pliability.com/obi
Contact: obiuvincent@gmail.com
Music site i use for videos:
Epidemic sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/i6z2qa
Artlist: https://artlist.io/obivincent@gmail.com-47261
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1fqhb83bDW69rrDIyWEAwd?si=FBroso55TIW1LBI1txyREg
#Vlog #travl