Hey Libra,
This is the singles love tarot reading for the zodiac sign Libra for July 2021 especially for my single babes out there.
We are having a look at your love life , next relationship and overall energies.
Please note that these are free general readings, some of the messages might resonate with you, some of them might not.
I would always recommend you to check out your other placements if you need more messages, especially your Moon, Rising and Venus sign :)
Every month there will be
- General Readings
- Single Readings
- Collective love messages
- Various pick a card readings
For each Zodiac sign on my channel and then pick a card readings with different themes.
For more information about the different readings please check my channel info.
I do not offer private readings.
Please make sure to leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed the reading and I would be super happy if you became a part of my Miss Rose Tarot Community.
Lots of love and peace
xx Vanessa
#libra #libralove #librasingles #librasoulmates #libratarot #tarot #july