The universe has made the message very clear...
The path to your abundance is being thwarted by limiting beliefs, old stories and self protection.
You really have to watch this from start to finish to fully understand and hopefully be guided by your intuition as to what is holding you back from your abundance.
It is there, waiting for you to claim it so make room for it by letting go and trusting
Join the Prosperity Tribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3-mCjmSvzCqNrA2RRlHDcg/join
Check your birth chart for your Sun, Moon, North Node & Midheaven
Sun: Your birth sign, your identity.
Moon Sign: Your soul behind your identity.
North Node: Finding your path toward soul growth
Rising Sun(AC): Ascendant, your social personality/physical body.
Midheaven(MC): What a person wants to achieve through their career or vocation.
- "A career often means more to a person than simply a job. It is one's calling,
one's livelihood. Of course, the idea that we need to know our calling early
on in life confuses and frustrates many people. It's normal to not know exactly
what we want. But often we are drawn to certain things. Often we things that
light our fire and simultaneously make use of our own unique talents and
capabilities at the same time" https://astro-charts.com/blog/2018/meaning-mc-libra/
All tarot readings are for Entertainment Purposes ONLY.
You are responsible for your own life and decisions.
Golden Ratio Tarot is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations.
#Libra #tarot #reading #August #2021 #money #career #finance