Remainder and Factor Theorem - Video (2) Solutions of Selina Publications Class-10 ICSE Maths Ch - 8

Remainder and Factor Theorem - Video (2) Solutions of Selina Publications Class-10 ICSE Maths Ch - 8

Remainder and Factor Theorem - Video (2) Solutions of Selina Publications Class-10 ICSE Maths Ch - 8
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✔✔Important For You
Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem are very important and necessary theorem before solving sums of the Chapter - Remainder and Factor Theorem Ch - 8. The links of the two above mentioned theorems are given below. Dear students , you must watch these two video also :

Remainder Theorem :

Factor Theorem :
✔✔Timing of the Contents :

✔00 sec - 20 sec
And discussing about question.

✔21 sec - 01-15 min
Discussing how we can solve this sum. There are two ways to solve this sum......

✔01-15 min - 04 - 42 min
Solving the question.

✔04 - 43 min - 04 - 49 min
Talking about the second question.

✔04 - 50 min - 11 - 20 min
Solving question number 2.

✔11 - 21 min - 11 - 55 min
Giving tips how to solve such questions easily.

✔11 - 56 min - 11 - 03 min
Suggesting the students to fulfil the dreams of your parents.

✔11 - 04 min
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat

About the video :
ICSE Class - 10
CBSE Class - 9
Chapter Name - Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem
Book - Selina Publications Class - 10 Maths
Exercise - 8B
Question Number - 1 and 4

✔️✔️Note : Remainder Theorem and factor theorem are two very important rules in division , getting remainder when we have to divide a polynomial by another and also very useful in factorization of any polynomial.

So, my dear students....
I suggest you to learn these two theorem perfectly : Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem. I have put video links in the description of these two theorems and this is the link of the questions of Chapter - 8 Exercise - 8A of Selina Publication Class - 10 Maths ICSE :

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Rajesh Kumar

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