Determining the Markets That Fit Your Farm (with Olivia Vogel at OAK2021)

Determining the Markets That Fit Your Farm (with Olivia Vogel at OAK2021)

This session was pre-recorded for OAK's 10th Annual Conference and shared on January 30, 2021.

Targeting every market channel isn't a good idea for most farms. Core distinctions between markets need to be reflected in your business, such as if you are geared more towards direct to consumer sales versus selling in bulk amounts. You need to determine the different costs associated with different markets, and how that affects your break-even price and potentially cash flow. Instead of taking the shotgun approach, dial in on your markets. If targeting several, they will each require a different approach on marketing, food safety, insurance, production, and profit levels. Let's talk about what is needed to move beyond farmer's markets.

Olivia Vogel is heading up the Kentucky Local Food System Expansion Initiative at the Kentucky Center for Agriculture & Rural Development (KCARD). She works to bridge the gap between farmers and buyers to help farmers reach new markets for their products and to make Kentucky farms more successful.


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