NICOLA Sturgeon has confirmed the Scottish Government ARE planning to bring in vaccine passports in Scotland by the end of this month.
The First Minister addressed parliament today with her latest update on the Covid pandemic, and explained the proof of jabs would be needed in some settings.
It follows the UK government's announcement that they will be bringing in a similar scheme down south.
Ms Sturgeon explained that in Scotland, it will mean proof of double-vaccinations will be needed for entry to nightclubs and certain indoor and outdoor live events with large crowds.
The government's plans are subject to parliament approval, and will go to a vote next week.
The SNP leader said: "In recent months there has been a lot of discussion about vaccine certification and, as I have indicated before, the government has been considering very carefully whether - notwithstanding the understandable equity and ethical concerns - vaccine certification could in some settings help protect public health, reduce the necessity for any further restrictions, and also boost vaccine take up.
"The Scottish Government has made it clear that we do not believe that vaccination certification should ever be a requirement for any key services or in settings where people have no choice over attendance – for example, public transport, education, access to medical services or shops. We continue to hold to that position.
"But we do consider that a limited use of vaccine certification could help to control the spread of the virus, as we head into the autumn and winter.
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Scots will need vaccine passports for nightclubs, festivals and large events
Nightclub revellers WILL need vaccine passports to get in this month as No 10 cracks on with plan
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