In part 149 of this let's play of Satisfactory Update 4, I focus on the in's and out's of Nuclear Power, supplying the Nuclear Power Plants with Water, using the Uranium Fuel Rods, and storing the Uranium Waste.
Satisfactory is a construction, crafting and automation simulation game created by the Swedish developer Coffee Stain Studios. As an engineer, you are dropped onto an alien planet with a handful of tools and must harvest the planet's natural resources to construct increasingly complex factories. The Early Access gameplay presented in this video is played on Update 4 in the Northern Forest starting location.
Satisfactory video and channel statistics on Let's Play Index: https://www.letsplayindex.com/games/satisfactory-2019
Satisfactory is available on the Epic Games Store: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home
Satisfactory is also available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/
#SatisfactoryNorthernForest #SatisfactoryLetsPlay #Satisfactory
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