NCP Chief Sharad Pawar Counters BJP Over Param Bir; Says 'Agencies Unable To Locate Him'
#SharadPawar #BJP #DevendraFadnavis #ParamBirSingh #RepublicTV
After Param Bir Singh was declared 'proclaimed offender' by a court on Wednesday, Sharad Pawar asserted that this was a vindication of NCP's stance on Anil Deshmukh. Addressing a gathering in Nagpur, he reiterated that the former Maharashtra Home Minister was framed at the behest of BJP. Lashing out at Param Bir Singh for not cooperating with the authorities, Pawar lamented that Deshmukh was still in jail despite the former's failure to corroborate his 'extortion' allegations. On this occasion, the NCP supremo predicted that the saffron party will have to pay a price for allegedly falsely implicating Deshmukh.
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