Sabbath School panel discussion and insight by 3ABN pastors and teachers. This video follows 2021 quarter 4, lesson 9 of the adult Bible study guide book. This quarter's book topic is “Present Truth in Deuteronomy” and this week's Sabbath School lesson is titled “Turn Their Hearts” Join us every week for a fresh and relevant study of the word of God.
Deut. 5:22–29; Deut. 4:25–31; Deut. 30:1–10; Matt. 3:1–8; Mark 1:15; Acts 2:37, 38.
“ ‘But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul’ ” (Deuteronomy 4:29, NKJV).
(November 20–November 26)
Sunday (Ryan Day) - “Mi-Yitten”
Monday (Jill Morikone) - “Seek Me and Find Me”
Tuesday (John Dinzey) - “Teshuvah”
Wednesday (Kenny Shelton) - “With All Your Heart”
Thursday (Shelley Quinn) - “Repent and Be Converted”
🔴ONLINE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2021:4Q:SE:PDFs:EAQ421_09.pdf
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🔗SABBATH SCHOOL PANEL PODCAST: https://3abn.org/ssp-podcast.html
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