Republican Who Signed Forged Election Document Also Paid Teens To Post Trump Memes

Republican Who Signed Forged Election Document Also Paid Teens To Post Trump Memes

Arizona state Representative Jake Hoffman has come under fire this week for signing his name to a forged document that claimed that Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, actually won Arizona's electoral votes in the 2020 election. But deeper digging has revealed that this isn't the only way that the lawmaker tried to help Trump. He also helped run a bot farm that paid teenagers to post pro-Trump propaganda online. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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Just a few days ago, nobody outside of the state of Arizona knew who Arizona state representative Jake Hoffman was. And I am sure that Mr. Hoffman would love to go back to just three, four days ago when nobody knew or even cared that he existed, because this has been a very, very bad week for Mr. Hoffman, that apparently has gotten a little bit worse if you're not familiar with this story, if you haven't seen that viral video going around social media of Mr. Hoffman, running away from a reporter, asking him a question, here's what it is. Mr. Hoffman was a Republican representative is a Republican representative in the state of Arizona. And he actually onto that forged document that was submitted to the national archive saying that, oh, looks like Donald Trump actually won Arizona's electors, not Joe Biden. And of course there is now an investigation in the state of Arizona.

It has been referred to the state attorney general and Mr. Hoffman as a, uh, you know, signer of that letter could absolutely find himself involved, uh, legally in this scandal. So he's got enough problems. And as I mentioned, he literally ran away from a reporter who asked him about it. Reporter says, well, how'd you get it? And he says, well, you'd have to ask, you know, the person who send it to me, he goes, no, no, no, no. I'm asking you how you got the phone call asking you to do it. And the guy couldn't answer the question refused to just said, you're gonna have to ask them. He said, I have to ask them how you got a phone call. It's absolutely hilarious. Again, you can actually find it, uh, in the link of the video description here. If you want to take a look at it, but then things got even worse for Mr.

Hoffman, cuz it turns out that signing a forged government document submitted to another federal government entity is not the only thing that Mr. Hoff did trying to help Donald Trump win the election. Check this out. Hoffman turns out was banned from Twitter after his company rally forge worked with Charlie Kirk's far right wing political activist group turning point USA during the 2020 election establishing a domestic troll for arm in Phoenix, Arizona, that employed teenagers to churn out pro-Trump social media posts. Some of which cast doubt on the integrity of the us election system or falsely charged Democrats with attempting to steal the election. Uh, the Washington post revealed, of course this was, uh, from raw story where I'm reading that from. So in addition to signing off on this forged document that you had to have known was a forged document. You were trying to lend it some legitimacy, cuz you're a sitting lawmaker. Um, then at the same time, your company rally forge is running a pro a troll farm. I'm sorry, troll farm with, with teenagers. You're you're paying kids to go online and spread memes, casting doubt on the 2020 election.

You know, what's sad about all, this is those little pro-Trump memes that these groups put out, you know why they do it. They do it cuz it actually works. Cuz people are dumb. And of course, you know, people in Hoffman's generation, aren't so good at memes. So they hire the youth to do it and let's get the kids to come up with these. And it's, it's, it's sad and pathetic, but what's even more sad and pathetic is that it does work on feeble-minded Republicans. That's why Mr. Hoffman's company did it. That's why turning point USA does it. That's why Charlie Kirk loves this kind of crap, but Hoffman's been exposed everything about this guy is coming out in the wash. And like I said, I bet he would love nothing more than to be able to go back in time, four days before any of this broke, when nobody cared who he was, nobody knew who he was and he was happy going about his little life being a, you know, average everyday pro-Trump yeah. Now you got the national spotlight on your bud and get used to it cuz I'm sure as this criminal investigation in Arizona picks up, you're gonna have even more spotlights on you and it's not gonna be a very flattering light.

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